Custom Declaration
Duty Exempted Goods:
- Binocular one set.
- Tablet or Laptop one piece
- Video camera one piece
- Camera one piece
- One set of portable music system and 10 pieces of recorded media to be used in the music system
- Used clothing articles, bedding and household goods
- One set of professional equipment using by the passenger in her/his profession
- Perambulator one piece, Tri-cycle one piece
- Bicycle One piece
- Watch one piece
- Cellular mobile phone one set
- One bottle of liquor (upto 1.15 liter) of twelve cans of beer
- Cigarette two hundred sticks, cigar fifty sticks, tobacco upto two hundred fifty grams
- Fifteen pieces of film for still camera and twelve piece of film for movie camera
- Medicine upto the value of Rs. Ten thousand (except the medicine banned to import into Nepal
- Food stuff upto the value of Rs. Five thousand (including tin pack food)
- Fresh fruits upto the value of Rs. Two Thousand
- Gold Ornaments upto Fifty grams and Silver Ornaments upto Hundred gramsFor detail visit or seal assistance form help desk at Customs
In view of the fact that TIA was emerging as a main import/export interface for the international trade, a study was conducted by Asian Development Bank in 1995. The study resulted in the preparation of a TIA Master Plan for the year 2000, 2005 and 2015. In respect of the existing cargo building, the major problem addressed and taken into account during the formulation of the master plan was the ‘scattered and inadequate cargo facilities at three different locations’. Total floor area covered by these three facilities stood only at 3500 sq. meters. Therefore, in view of problems with cargo safety, cargo building capacity and cargo handling management, the construction of a centralized Air Cargo Complex was inevitable. Brought in operation since 2058/9/2
Air Cargo Complex
Air Cargo Complex is featured as follows:
Upto: 10,000 Kgs | Per 1000 Kgs. | US$ 1.00 |
10,000 Kgs- ,100,000 Kgs. | First 50,000 Kgs, After 50,000 Per 1000 |
US$ 49.00, US$ 1.05 |
Above 1,00,000 Kgs. | First 1,00,000 Kgs, After 1,00,000 Per 1000 |
US$ 122.25, US$ 1.95 |
Capacity Improvement Scenario:
The phase 1 building is expected to cater to handling demand for about 10 years from now.
- Weighing scale and Racking System
- Fork lift; Fire alarm system for equipment security
- Telephone, electricity and car parking.
- T1.2 km double lane access road